Monday, June 3, 2013

Attitude :D

What is good about rain?
(that should show you I'm insane)
Because EVERYTHING is good,
When it comes to rain like it should.

But what is good about sickness?
Where you body is full of stiffness,
Well, you get to rest. And others,
Show there love. Sisters and Brothers.

Tell me then what is good about hard work?
Perhaps you are shoveling in the dirt,
You grow big and strong building muscles,
That's what you get for working with shovels.

What is good about waking-up early?
Well first it's quiet you can hear a birdie!
You see the sun-rise if it's early enough,
And is your outside you'll see other stuff.

What is good about sad?
Or hurt really really bad?
I will help. I will comfort,
Especially if they are sun burnt! :)

I will keep a positive attitude,
Keep it full of gratitude,
Keep a smile on my face,
Any anger I will erase.

-Dassia :D

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I needed to hear this in our second week straight of rain, rain, and more rain. I have always wanted to live somewhere where it rains a lot, and, other than this morning, I have enjoyed it. However, it was harder today to enjoy it as I looked at my mountains of clothes that I need to have dried in the sunshine :).

    But your poem helped me remember to be grateful, grateful that I have mountains of clothes to clothe my family, grateful for the rain that keeps the flowers growing, the rain that keeps the amazing variety of snails here healthy and happy, rain to wash the world clean once again.

    Thanks, Dassia!
