Monday, October 21, 2013

The plantets of our universe

Mercury swift messenger,
Small and close to the sun,
Takes only 88 day for a year,
But it's day is longer then one (year)

It has no atmosphere you see,
A crater will stay for a long long time,
There are no volcanoes of any kind,
Temperature changes drop and then climb,

Venus now of and love beauty,
But underneath that atmosphere,
It traps heat and is the hottest planet,
There's no way that love is here!

The sun rises in the west,
And the sun sets in the east,
Quite the opposite of the others,
Just like siblings, don't you think?

Earth the one that we call home,
70 % of water,
Blue Marble that can support life,
For this lets thank our Heavenly Father,

The Moon it has some interesting cycles,
In which it waxes and wanes,
And on top of all that we have lunar and solar,
Eclipses, in which a lot is explained.

Mars the Roman god of war,
It's red because of Iron rust,
With a thin atmosphere and a longer orbit,
It used to be a lot like us,

A extinct volcano that is three times the size,
Of mount Everest, found on any maps,
A canyon deep enough to cover the Alps,
Mars has two small moons and polar ice caps,

 Jupiter, king of the planets,
It's the largest one after all,
Comprised of think clouds of gas,
And a huge giant red spot and four moons all,

Saturn second largest now,
The planet of time quite nice,
Quite far away from the sun,
Famous for it's rings of rock and ice,

Uranus, is our next planet,
By telescope it's visible only,
Named after the blue-green sky,
Half light half dark it seems quite lonely,

Neptune, with a slow orbit,
Roman god of the sea,
Crazy wind, storms and wind,
Beautiful deep blue is he.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Creator

Last year I wrote a poem about a potter for Vanguard so I changed it a little and turned it into one about a creator. Here it is:
A creator takes a ball of clay and works it in his hands,
He wonders what to create, he kneads, and sifts like sand,
He slaps it on his wheel and begins to spin and spin,
Soften and preparing for a master piece to begin.

He looks around his little shop at his creations and more,
He smiles at it tenderly, as the kiln begins to roar
His head turns from the kiln memories begin,
He turns back to his work and tugs at his lips a grin.

The many times he'd been here in his little quiet shop,
The time he ruined a batch of pots, the time the glaze was glop,
The sad times and the glad times, throughout his life till now,
The hard times and the good times why he did and how,

He was happy with each thing he made each perfect and messed-up,
He had a memory with each he loved them down to a cup,
He thought about the time he had discovered his talent wheel,
The first time he'd tried it, He remembered it gave him a thrill

There had been times His talent taken the back seat,
With finances and family, it wasn't always first treat,
He sighed to think of times oh so long ago,
When he had entered in that big art talent show.

It was that show that first began his love for creation,
He wasn't perfect at first his work needed re-makin',
But not to fear,he went with love and dreams anyway,
Through trials and hard ships he'd made it 'till today.

He had his knowledge of the world and science and art,
Most of all his creation a talent he'd worked on since start,
He sold and worked and created, others collected it too,
He'd help it go on and on to generations a new.

Was he satisfied with all he'd done?
Was he ready to move on?
Had he done something great?
If not was it too late?

Had he used his talent for righteousness,
Was he devoted to God?
He loved and feared the lord in lightness,
Was he kind to all with flaw?

He pondered his life from start 'till now,
And was proud of it some how,
He wasn't perfect, but he could say,
He'd walked God's chosen way.

He released his joyful heart through his creations,
He made it all his own, some even call it amazin!
He loved what he did, and he loved what he made
Who else could be happier? Whats more, he gave.

As he finished the art work and laid it gently aside,
He wiped his hands upon his apron, and cast about his eyes,
Preparing to glaze and finish the pot just as God finishes each of us,
We should be as a pot and let our Potter help and guide and fuss.

For God can help us become perfect even if we don't look the part,
God sees all of us perfectly each sour, spicy and tart,
He can help us become perfect on the inside so deep
Let us each be like a Potter so humble and so meek

Love the Lord and the talents he give us,
Use the for righteous purposes,
I'm happy with my talents, not really any for art :)
But I can do what I can do and work with happy heart.

I will be contented with all that I can do,
I will be kind to all, find not fault through and through,
I will guide the troubled soul, I will always do my part,
Follow God's rules all ready like a chart

Follow the commandments, fulfill my mission complete,
I will be like a Creator, Humble, kind and meek.
-Dassia :D

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Carry On Mr. Bowditch!

Carry on Mr. Bowditch!
Sail by ash wind!
Through the fog and the storms,
Have faith til the end!

Carry on Mr. Bowditch!
Use your talents for good!
Keep doing that math,
And teaching you should!

Carry on Mr. Bowditch
You're doing just grand!
With your sonic speed thinking,
And quill pen in hand!

Carry on Mr. Bowditch!
You are glad as can be
With your God who
Supports you diligently!

Carry on Mr. Bowditch!
Keep fixing mistakes
And saving much lives
And preventing heart breaks.

Carry on Mr. Bowditch!
Keep serving with might!
Keep using your knowledge,
For truth and for right!