Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Doubt and fear
Distrust and tears
Resisting Love
That's all too near.

The kind of walls
That close right in.
The kind of path
That leads to sin.

So close that you
Can almost touch
But reaching out
Is just too much.

These are tactics
Of the dark
Whispering, trying
To leave it's mark.

Then what do you do
When you're being attacked?
And it feels like they're
Forcing you not to fight back?

Remember the light
Use that as your strength
For some have paid prices
And went to great length,

To keep it alive
To keep the flame burning
It's warmth is right there
Patiently yearning.

It wants you to turn
And follow it home
The light wont forsake you
Or leave you alone.

Comfort, peace,
Music, and love.
Friendship and prayer
All from above.

These tactics of light
Are stronger than all
Take hold of those truths
And you're sure not to fall.