Monday, August 26, 2013

Joy in the Journey!

I went on a vision hike for Vanguard a few days ago, and it was really fun and inspiring. The theme this year for our Vanguard is 'Joy in the Journey' and we disused it along the way. So here's a poem about it:

Sometimes paths are rough.
Uphill, and rather tough.
Sometimes paths are strait.
And you can't look back and wait.

Sometimes paths are round.
You go in a loop around,
And you wonder why you are,
In the same place you started before.

But all paths have their lessons,
On they way, you make transgressions,
But you'll have great joy too!
If you accomplish and if you do!

On the way, you can discover,
And learn and observe and uncover.
Finding peace in knowing His love,
And inspiration from above.

You can also serve those around you,
And you get great joy from that too.
Heed the promptings from the holy ghost,
And do it well, and do not boast.

And don't forget to share what you learn!
If you feel you should, then take your turn.
You could really change someone's life!
Take courage, even if it means strife.

You really could help somebody out.
And touch their heart. But do not doubt,
If God wants you to take action,
He'll help you to get satisfaction.

Christ will put you to the task!
You can effect the world.
Just keep doing what He asks.
And your mission is unfurled!
