Saturday, December 15, 2012

True Hero.

Wouldn't it be nice if all the world knew you
As a person who was star of the show?
Wouldn't it be nice if all people called you
A super man or super hero?

Wouldn't be nice if all the whole world
Looked up to you as a person of strength?
Wouldn't it be nice if people saw you
A a person of richness and very high rank?

You could be famous!
Famous and rich!
If you were a star,
With a nice fancy car!

A movie star with glamour, and plenty a toy,
You could have mansions and bliss
People could freak out with screams of joy
Just if you blew them a kiss.

Or maybe you don't want quite that much,
Maybe you just want to be cool
And sit with the popular kids at lunch
So people will like you at school.

All these things you could imagine with longing to know
What it is like to be Hero
But what is the true meaning of a Hero?
Maybe maybe its different then what you think you know.

Maybe a Hero means a little bit more
Maybe it means not that people adore
All that you are because of glamour
Or popularity and coolness galore

I think if you want to become a  true Hero
Here is a few things you might want to know:

I think your goal should be something else
Not coolness or richness if hotness or wealth!
How about love and arising to shine?
Or getting the precepts line upon line?

Wouldn't it be nice if all who were sad
Looked to you as person to rely on
Wouldn't it be nice if all who had troubles
Came to you to have comfort and sun?

Wouldn't it be better if you prayed to God
To see how you could help others?
Wouldn't it it be more good to know that you
Would know how to not tease your brothers?

When all around you there is fighting and madness,
You could be patent meeting madness with gladness.
You could be the one to change the world
Just by simple way of attitude!

Guys like the hulk aren't what you have to be
To be a hero as you can see
Even people like a wonderful Mom
Have been heros to many all a long.

Look around! Heros are everywhere!
Even if they aren't super man
And even if they don't fly anywhere
Or save peoples lives or have fans,

Yet little by little, they can save lives
By doing what they can
And cheering up! They shine and arise!
For their beliefs they stand.

They can bring others out of misery.
And help others so they can to
Live happily and eternally
Is that not a hero to you?

Every good deed is heroic and great
Every smile can save
A person from feeling a frown or hate.
A lot of times you have to be brave.

Smiling or acting nice can be hard in some ways
Especially when your feeling down.
But say to yourself "I'm a Hero today"
You'll save others and you from a frown!

So be a true hero and be yourself, sweet.
Truly heroic you can be.
Along the way other Heros you'll meet.
They will help you and me
To be a Hero who helps others to be
A Hero themselves! Yesserie!
Is that not heroic indeed?

Ask Heavenly Father how to be a Hero today
And how to help others along the way
Heros helping heros to help others to be
A hero like you and me.
How is the best way you say?
To help others along through the day?
Show by example just how heroic that we
Can be by living righteously.

Yes live righteously and you'll see
That many we can save and free.
They might come along you see,
And want to be like you and me!

They can become a hero
Because of you and me!
Is that not heroic indeed?

So be a hero and save the world
Be a tool in the hand of the Lord.
Many we can save,
Be a hero and be brave!


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