Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Science makes life more enjoyable

This was written by our friend Mo,

Take some clay, play, play, play,
Soon you'll have a great display.

Make a cool triangular shape,
which may look like a chocolate cake.

Careful! Its not chocolate so don't eat it like it is.
Instead add some red, and please don't go back to bed.

It may make you tired, but I promise its not that hard.
Don't wait to make it great, for you may be to late.

Quick! Add some baking soda and vinegar to your colorful red.
This is what happens when you decide not to go back to bed.

After adding these things and listening to me,
look carefully and see what it will be.

Seconds pass by, then from the corner of your eye, you spy,
a great show with a huge volcano and soon you know you want some play dough.

You discover a new talent a scientific brain and you get so excited you dance in the rain.

For life's so important, and I hope you now see, YOUR making life more enjoyable for you and for me.

1 comment:

  1. Will you make sure to say that Mo wrote this one? Thanx! :)

