Friday, May 31, 2013


Stretch, yawn, blink tired eyes,
Slow, soft, sweet tired sighs,

Sit, lean, lay head down,
Brush back hair upon my crown,
Sleepy eyelids flutter,
Calm smile on my face,
Slowly my eyes shut,
Awake, no single trace,

Floating on a cloud,
The opposite of loud,
Drifting off into space,
In dream-land my favorite place,

Walking in a forest tall trees over head,
I am no longer snug inside my bed,

Adventures await me with mystical, magical friends,
My happily ever after is nowhere near the end.
Suddenly upon a cave I tiptoe inside,
Just to find Peter Pan to teach me how to fly,

Chim-chimney and spit-spot,
Mary Poppins, a long way I've got,
To become practically perfect in every way,
Just like you can easily say.

I tip my hat and walk around care free of fish or fowl,
When all of a sudden I hear, a blood-curdling howl!
Quickly and quietly I walk towards the frightening sound,
I find myself pined against a rock by a wolf in a single bound,
Another howl, chills go down my back I shiver and exclaim,
Let us be friends, that way there will be no need for pain,

Can you believe this whole time amidst these scary things,
I'm quietly, closing my eyes, Calmly fast asleep,
Cuddled up in my bed, without one single fear,
I'm happy as can be, not one single tear,
Peaceful, Calm, Quiet, Asleep,
Slow, soft, not one single peep.

So now back to our story my patient, listening friend,
I took a turn to see what might, be around the bend,
There it was 9 feet tall a grizzly was in sight,
It's fur glistening, and sparkling in the bright sunlight.
Then ROAR!!!!!! It bellowed through the leafy green forest,
"bravo mister bear this story just might have bore us."

But now this tale must be told you'll make it interesting,
And with a smack of his grizzly lips and then a zapping zing,
A snap of two dozen twigs and a swipe of his furry paw,
I stood there looking up at him with fear mixed with awe.
He looked a me with what appeared to be a grizzly smile,
And holding hands and paws we departed into the wild.

Then we reached our destination, though a little out of breath,
His legs being much longer then mine could reach a bigger length.
A hive full of buzzing bees and honey but before,
That bear could reach inside that hive I let out a thunderous roar!
Being a beekeeper and all I couldn't let that bear destroy them,
So reaching up and pulling him down with the strength of ten,

I shook my head in a fierce "no!" I told him most boldly,
a mistake -may I add- never do so, for I did it much to coldly,
He became angry and plucked me right up from the ground,
And shook me not so very hard but plain and full and sound.

I sit up breathing hard, my heart quickly pounding,
But I am in my quiet room not one single sounding.
My comfortable blankets I'm snuggled in,
Deep, dark, quiet surrounds me within,
Nothing to fear, not a thing scares me.
But now I must get back to sleep.
I turn back over and get comfortably ready,
My hearts beating is back to normal I am breathing steady,
I think happy thoughts, I blink tired eyes.
Slowly, softly, sleepy sighs,
As calmly I go back to sleep.
This time in a dreamy treat...
Candy canes and lemon drops,
In my mouth I want to pop!
A gingerbread castle and a candy hut,
With red vine ropes, and almond nut,
Skittles, chocolate, cream filled,
Gingerbread men I want to build!
Sour patch kids and liquorish!
Bubble gum and Swedish fish!!

All these yummy treats around,
These everywhere, me surround,
Yum! My mouth is watering,
Yum! My eyes are bugging!!

Candy, Candy, everywhere!
I want to eat it so beware,
A beautiful fairy comes out,
From behind A big candy mount,

Have all the candy you wish to eat,
As much as you want, all my treat,
Jelly beans and tootsie rolls,
Fill-up all these big bowls!

With that I woke-up but sorta sad,
That I couldn't eat candy, that made me mad.
All well I'll have to wait another night,
To make everything alright.


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