Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Riddle

Riddle me, riddle me, riddle me this,
But first for some rules let me give you the list,
Only one guess for you,
No one may guess two,
No hints may you have,
Or it will be bad,
Now then for the rhyme,
We're Running out of time,
Oh my! Oh no!
So much for the show!
For the riddle has left my mind,
And now I feel like going blind!
And here you are smiling!
When I feel like crying,
You are so glad
it is making me mad
Your so relived
It is making me weep
Well good bye go away!
You have no need to stay!
But please come back soon
Atleast before noon!
And grant me my wish
So riddle me, riddle me, riddle me this!!

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