Thursday, February 13, 2014

Joy Vs Sorrow

Sorrows are to forget,
Joys are to remember,
Let go of your sorrows,
Hold on to your joys forever.

Write each and every joy down,
Keep track of them with smiles,
Remember memories and love,
It will be worth your while.

Although its good to remember joys,
Sorrows are important too,
Without the sadness in our lives,
We could not balance what we do!

So let us count our sorrows,
But let us throw them right away,
We don't need to hold on to them,
Or remember sad things that happened that day.

But hold on to your joys!
Keep the balance there!
And by thinking of sorrows,
The more you recognize joys here.

1 comment:

  1. That is so perfect!
    It goes right along with our vanguard poem!
    Keep up the amazing work!
