Everyone has struggles,
Everyone has fears,
Everyone has trials,
Everyone has tears.
Everyone gets trapped,
Everyone gets stuck,
Some, they hope for service,
Some, they hope for luck.
Everyone needs kindness,
Everyone needs love,
Everyone needs help sometimes,
It comes from up above.
So pray, and help will come,
Perhaps through a single friend,
Perhaps through a bishop,
To help you know its not the end.
To help you straighten up,
A hand to help you out,
A smile to give you hope that day,
A message to take away your doubt.
To get out of your gloom and such,
These souls can help you there,
But over all the one who helps,
Is Christ, who serves all need for air.
The spiritual kind,
All you do is let Him.
So let Him in and say a prayer,
He'll let in the light everywhere.
Wow! Truth springs from your words like a new hope in a troubled mind!
Thanks for sharing!