Tuesday, February 25, 2014

When You Can't Find Hope

Whenever life is dark
When it is full of fear
Whenever life just seems like
Hope is far from near,

When you feel that you
Are going to despair
When you think life has no meaning
And it seems that no one's there,

When all of your ambitions
Have gone right down the drain
And all you hopes and dreams
Are flooded in the rain,

When you can't seem to find
Any light at all
And you feel so spiritless
And sad and slow and small,

Just please believe this truth
And you must remember too
For truths can change your life
If you want them to.

As long as there is life
There is always hope.
And since there's always life
There's always ALWAYS hope!

There is always life because
Christ did die and rise
And because He's always there
He'll always hear your cries.

Just come strait unto Him
And you can find what's right.
He'll help you find that hope
And help you to the light.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Extra Nonsense

There once was a young man of spain,
Who thought his mother a pain,
So he jumped in a boat,
That didn't quite float,
And sunk as it started to rain.

So now we will talk about Rose,
Who had a really short nose,
When she lied it grew,
Which didn't quite do,
But it shunk even more as wind blew.

There once was a very small child,
Who happened to be a bit wild,
When she went to the doc,
He spotted a spot,
Upon which her craziness piled.

And so her young mother named heather,
Carried a rediculous fether,
Which she expertly used,
And tickled the news,
And awkwardky altered the wether.

Do you know what happened next?
Maybe you should try to guess,
It starts with a "Q"
And rhymes with new
And is full of life and zest.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Scarlett Letter

(If you haven't read the book The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, then go read it right now! ;) )
If you haven't , you can still read the poem and tell me what kind of principles you found!
Feedback is welcome!

(1st part like Dimmesdale, 2nd like Hester)
Scarred with sins of scarlet
Living life in gloom
My thoughts are that Forgotten
Shall be written on my tomb.

Though the sin tears inside
The world knows not a thing
That might sound well, but makes worse
I'm a bird with wounded wing.

Shut out in mists of darkness,
Sins haunt me in my sleep
The ghosts of past remembrances
Into my hard heart creep.

Living life like death,
For what more is there to live?
Hope and freedom, I bar out.
My life, to sorrow, do I give.

But wait! What is this?
A shining pearl of hope?
Leading another who has taken
The self same slippery slope.

Scarlett sticks upon her too.
And yet she sets a flame
A scarlet kindle lit by her
She gains a different fame.

Still shunned by all humanity
She works with a skilled hand
And although the world has blocked her out
She bears it as she stands.

All she wants is to be free
Although her want is pure,
It seems the Scarlet holds her back
And love is so unsure.

If only blinded eyes could see
And deafened ears to hear
If only imprisoned souls would find
HOW God was always near.


Everyone has struggles,
Everyone has fears,
Everyone has trials,
Everyone has tears.

Everyone gets trapped,
Everyone gets stuck,
Some, they hope for service,
Some, they hope for luck.

Everyone needs kindness,
Everyone needs love,
Everyone needs help sometimes,
It comes from up above.

So pray, and help will come,
Perhaps through a single friend,
Perhaps through a bishop,
To help you know its not the end.

To help you straighten up,
A hand to help you out,
A smile to give you hope that day,
A message to take away your doubt.

To get out of your gloom and such,
These souls can help you there,
But over all the one who helps,
Is Christ, who serves all need for air.

The spiritual kind,
All you do is let Him.
So let Him in and say a prayer,
He'll let in the light everywhere.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Joy Vs Sorrow

Sorrows are to forget,
Joys are to remember,
Let go of your sorrows,
Hold on to your joys forever.

Write each and every joy down,
Keep track of them with smiles,
Remember memories and love,
It will be worth your while.

Although its good to remember joys,
Sorrows are important too,
Without the sadness in our lives,
We could not balance what we do!

So let us count our sorrows,
But let us throw them right away,
We don't need to hold on to them,
Or remember sad things that happened that day.

But hold on to your joys!
Keep the balance there!
And by thinking of sorrows,
The more you recognize joys here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Your toe starts tapping,
Your head starts nodding,
Your fingers start drumming,


You don't remember what was said.
Thoughts are running though your head,
That make you want to jump out of bed,


Music makes you feel so smart,
The music trills-the music starts,
The music flows into your heart.


The sweet tune rides upon the wind,
The beat is soft, an upward trend.
You find you don't  want it to end.


The tune is sweet, the volume low,
Then faster, louder, on it goes.
And with it, you begin to flow.


You start to feel a strong connection,
A balance say, a queer reflection,
And then you get a new direction,


The music that you listen to,
Influences your point of view,
And if you'll feel the spirit too.


It sends balance into your soul,
It helps you know which way to go,
And afterwards you'll always know,

What makes you calm and makes you soar,
And bring the magic, not known before,
A melody you now adore!


Sunday, February 2, 2014


Friendship is great,
Friendship is grand,
Friendship is funny,
Friends understand,

Friends might be wild,
Friends might be fun,
Friends will remember,
Friends are as one,

Friends care,
Friends share,
Friends go,
Friends know.

Who are your friends?
Who do you trust,
Who do you hang out with?
Know, I must!

Its lots of fun,
To be with friends,
To understand what,
The message sends.

A secret code,
Nicknames and more,
Nothing with friends,
Is ever a bore.

Giggles and Wiggles,
Bubbles and tug-o-wars,
Texts and Chats late into the night,
Aren't best friends such a delight?