Monday, October 20, 2014

Failing Failure

What is my worst fear?
Can I tell you my friend?
Its failing the part,
That I should have been.

It failing to answer,
The only right question,
Its failing obedience,
Or another lesson.

Have you ever felt,
Unsure in suspense,
Questioning many
Decisions and friends?

Have you ever questioned,
Which thing should come next,
Which road to take,
Whats 'round that bend...
I'm spinning in circles,
I'm out of control,
I'm getting confused,
In the worlds big roll.

In life's giant menu,
What should I pick?
What is the best for me
What won't I regret...

I'm lost and lonely,
Where did everyone go?
Which direction is best?
Does anyone know...

This feeling of empty,
Is so hard to place,
Christ, our Older Brother,
The only escape.
Some might not feel worthy,
To pray for God's help,
But you'll always be welcome,
Repent for heavens wealth.

Go quickly now,
Towards the light,
Christ's open arms,
Are now in sight.
He loves you,
An so do others,
Family waiting,
Your sisters and brothers.

It's worth it, hold on!
Don't give up, they shout,
They love you a lot,
And know what its about.

Hugs and kisses,
Jubilation and more,
Those are the things,
That God has in store.

Life isn't easy,
Not even close,
But we can find the way,
Through the Holy Ghost!

We are all capable,
Of many many things,
Just smile, be ready,
To fly, spread your wings!

He comforts and blesses,
His hands will restore,
He loves all His children,
He wants for them more!

So when the dark gets you,
And you feel some bland,
Don't be so unsure,
Reach out-take His hand

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! What a wonderful way to remind us of the ultamite solution for any problem, and the perfect answer to any queston. The Savior is our truest source for peace.
