Sunday, January 27, 2013


The word UP is very confusing,
But cool so please stop refusing,
In here I will tell you all the it means,
and all that it does, quite amusing.
We could call our friend UP
Then say to our friend whats UP?.
We look UP at fire works,
And clouds and overworks.

In the morning we get UP.
We can get our hopes UP,
Sometimes the prices come UP,
We might even brighten our room UP.
Being dressed UP is special,
It makes you feel celestial,
For lunch lets warm UP leftovers,
Straiten UP your shoulders
We could clean UP the kitchen
Lock UP the house,
go UP for election
kick out that mouse!
At a meeting why does a topic come UP?
and why did we decided,
that it's UP to the Secretary to write, UP a report
and make sure no one is misguided.
Some of the last things I could think UP,
We stir UP trouble,
Line UP for tickets,
Work UP an appetite,
And Think UP excuses,
so no one looses.


  1. I love it! And it's so true! Up is so confusing! Nice job!

  2. I love the things you think UP
    (You didn't make it UP, did you ;))
